Keyword archive for: Cannabis

There are several ways in which a suspect can be informed that an investigation is pending against him for suspected violation of the Narcotics Act (BtMG).

In practice, there are cases in which the lawyer advocates an acquittal and will apply for it in his plea. However, there are cases where the goal of criminal defense is the lowest possible or moderate condemnation.

The provision of § 31 BtMG opens up the possibility for the court, at its own discretion, to mitigate the penalty or even to refrain from punishment altogether if the perpetrator

Already at the first glance at the provision of § 29a BtMG, the reader is struck by the much higher sentence compared to § 29 BtMG:

Time and again defenders are asked by clients what is meant by the terms "small amount" and "not small amount". At the same time, the concept of "personal need" is in the minds of many clients, but what is understood